Sinaia şi Thame se reîntâlnesc pe tărâmul culturii

Îmi face o deosebită plăcere să particip la cea de-a opta ediţie a Festivalului de Artă şi Literatură de la Thame, care are loc între 11 şi 15 octombrie, ca reprezentant al oraşului Sinaia.

Cele două oraşe înfrăţite se reîntâlnesc, de data aceasta pe tărâmul culturii. Cartea “Sinaia, Oraşul Elitelor” a fost aleasă să reprezinte oraşul nostru la eveniment. Sunt onorat să susţin o prezentare despre istoria, arhitectura şi valoarea acestui muzeu în aer liber numit Sinaia, sâmbătă, 15 octombrie, la Thame’s Barns Centre’s Hall.

Le mulţumesc în mod deosebit pentru invitaţie şi sprijin Asociaţiei de prietenie Sinaia-Thame şi Asociaţiei Culturale ASPE – filiala Sinaia.

Celor interesaţi să afle mai multe despre festival îmi face plăcere să vă ofer adresa web la care se află pagina oficială a evenimentului: De asemenea, am inserat mai jos Comunicatul de presă pe care organizatorii au avut amabilitatea să îl pună la dispoziţia publicului britanic interesat să afle mai multe informaţii despre istoria şi devenirea oraşului Sinaia:

Talk On Pearl Of The Carpathians At TAL Festival


TAL Festival is pleased to play its part in cementing the twinning between Thame and the beautiful Romanian town and mountain resort, Sinaia, also known as the “Pearl of the Carpathians”.


Dan Manea, Romanian award-winning architect, author of “Sinaia – Land of the Elites” will cover the origins, destiny and development of the mountain town at Thame’s Barns Centre’s Small Hall on Sunday 15 October, at 1:30 pm.


The audience will hear the extraordinary story of the settlement that gradually became Romania’s summer capital, one of the favourite destinations of the elites, a famous stop-over for the Orient Express and with the most historical monuments per capita in Romania built over a period of 150 years of history. The talk is likely to inspire the audience not only to visit Sinaia for its outstanding natural beauty and beautiful buildings like Peles Castle, but also to discover the history which marked the place.


Dan Manea, former President of the Rotary Club of Sinaia, is connected to a number of local community fundraising projects like “Donate one penny for Caraiman” aimed to restore the 92 ft Heroes Cross on Caraiman Peak, built at 7,500 ft altitude in 1928, to commemorate Romanian soldiers fallen during the First World War. The monument was recognised as the tallest summit cross in the world by Guinness World Records in 2014.


TAL Festival organisers have generously waived the entry fee to Dan Manea’s talk. The event was planned with support from Thame-Sinaia Friendship Association and Sinaia-based ASPE Cultural Association. To book free tickets on a first-come first-served basis, visit Thame-Sinaia Friendship Association can be contacted via

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